This week on the TOMAmeter, FOX’s Almost Human debuts at #4 after weeks of falling short of the Top 20. Also entering the Top 20 this week is Showtime’s Dexter at #16 and ABC’s Castle at #18.
AMC’s The Walking Dead continues its run at #1 with no real threat in sight. However, HBO’s massive hit Game of Thrones is moving up quickly, gaining 5 places this week and coming in at #9. Will it be giving The Walking Dead some competition in the future? Trending in the opposite direction is FX’s American Horror Story, which has fallen 4 spots to #17 this week.
ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and HBO’s Boardwalk Empire fell just shy of the Top 20 this week, but will Boardwalk Empire’s strong season finale propel the program into the Top 20 next week? Check back next week to find out.
Each week, Ipsos MediaCT TV Dailies seeks to find out what television shows have people talking. Collecting over 5,000 unaided responses among persons ages 13-64, TV Dailies produces a top of mind awareness meter (TOMAmeter) that details the 20 most spontaneously mentioned television shows.
Here are your TOMAmeter results for November 18 – 24.